Saturday, April 30, 2011

Were gonna start off brief here

So as I'm still a bit drained from the 17 hour car trip yesterday after all breaks and side trips were included, I'm gonna keep this brief. After finally arriving at 3:30 last night and having a moment of fear that i wasn't going to be able to check into my place until 7 (there would've been a temper tantrum!), Mary and I got checked in and passed right out until 10 this morning. We left to find my school around 11, buuuuuuut, after having some difficulty with that a series of "lets go here" moments led us to drive by Universal Studios and see all kinds of cool places near it instead. We didn't end up finding the school until on the way home around lets say 6. So day 1 accomplished. I've found my school. I've found a place to acquire foodstuffs and toiletries (very important people!). And most importantly, I've found the Chipotle and Jersey Mike's! Cant get buff without the energy and comfort that comes with the best burrito and sub you can find! So thats it for tonight. Tomorrow is off to Universal Studios with the old lady. Hope everyone is doing well and that its just as nice back home as it is here. Talk to ya all on the morrow!